State Conference 2021
Inclusive Thriving Sheds
With the theme of ‘Inclusive Thriving Sheds’, the Conference inspired delegates to leverage the diversity of the volunteering sector and harness its power to address some of the most significant issues faced by the community and invited them to explore the opportunities and challenges that we face in creating a sustainable WA men’s shed movement into the future.
During the conference, our graphic scribe was hard at work capturing the key messages. You can see the graphics of the two day conference below.
Graphic scribe
Men’s Sheds of WA conference day 1 graphic
Men’s Sheds of WA conference day 2 graphic
Conference Program
Inclusive Thriving Sheds, Conference 2021 Program
You can download the presentations by some of our key speakers below
Day 1
What makes a successful Men’s Shed? Presentation by Professor Kirsten Holmes, Curtin University
Empower Enrich Enhance. Presentation by Rob Wilton, CEO of Westcare Incorporated
Day 2
Inclusive Sheds panel session – VisAbility
Inclusive Sheds panel session – Dementia Australia
Thriving Sheds panel session – Professor Kirsten Holmes, Curtin University
Thriving Sheds panel session – Mike Wiggin and Trevor Gorey OAM
Funding for Sheds panel session – Men’s Sheds of WA
Funding for Sheds panel session – Lotterywest
Our conference included some fabulous guest speakers. Speakers from day 1 of the conference are available below.
Thank you
Men’s Sheds of WA wishes to genuinely thank and acknowledge those supporting our Conference, including:
Our guest speakers
- The Honourable Kim Beazley AC, Governor of Western Australia
- Hon. David Michael MLA BEc
- Lorna Pritchard, Lotterywest
- Len Yarran, Wadjak North Side Aboriginal Community Group
- Professor Alex Haslam, University of Queensland
- Professor Kirsten Holmes, Curtin University
- Rob Wilton, Westcare Incorporated
- Chris Fisher RPT, The Blind Woodturner
- Michelle Taylor, Dementia WA
- David Vosnacos, VisAbility WA
- Adam Williams, Lotterywest
- Mike Wiggin, Showgrounds Community Men’s Shed
- Gary Gaunt, Subiaco Men’s Shed
- Trevor Gorey, Men’s Sheds of WA
- James Wild, Men’s Sheds of WA
- Miles Protter, Facilitator
Our special guests
- Hon Keith Wilson AM, Vice Patron Men’s Sheds
- Hon Donna Faragher JP MLC, Shadow Minister for Community Services, Seniors and Ageing
- Mark Irwin, Mayor of Stirling
- Angela Lemon, Department of Communities
- Carol Leen Huish, Women’s Shed Movement WA Founder
Our major supporter
Our Sponsors
- Australian Men’s Shed Association, for sponsoring our conference dinner
- Carbatec, for sponsoring our lunch and tea breaks
- City of Stirling
- Jobs Australia
- North Perth Community Bank
- Road Safety Commission
- Timbecon
Our Exhibitors
- Act Belong Commit
- Beyond Tools
- Boston Scientific
- Canning Community Computer Club
- Carbatec
- Fishability
- Helping Minds
- Jobs Australia
- Lotterywest
- Men’s Health and Wellbeing WA
- Songfest – ShedSong
- The Regional Men’s Health Initiative
- Timbecon
- Treasured Youth Co
- VisAbility
- Wadjak North Side Aboriginal Community Group
- Westcycle