Shed FAQ
Got a question? Chances are another Shed is wondering too. If you don’t find the answer to your question here, get in touch with us through our contact page
Below you’ll find answers to the questions Sheds ask us the most. If you need information you can’t find on our website please get in touch with us and we’ll try to help.
I need a Contactless Payment solution for my Shed
As cash becomes less popular the need for a contactless payment option becomes an increasingly necessary feature to any business that is selling products in person at their venue or at events like markets.
A very common method that a lot of Sheds have adopted is the product ‘Square’.
Please see their website for more information
Feedback received in our office, is that once set up the there are many advantages but it has also been widely noted that it is difficult to organise in the initial stages.
Is there a template Constitution our Shed can use?
There is a Men’s Sheds Model Constitution Rules and notes available on our Documents for Sheds page that you can edit to suit your Shed.
Can you send me a Mens Shed Values and/or Acceptable Behaviour policy we can edit for our Shed?
A the moment there is no policy template for Mens Shed Values and/or Acceptable Behaviour. We do have the Shedders Pledge which is a positive statement aimed to promote respect within Sheds.
You can download the Shedders Pledge on our Documents for Sheds page.
A big part of our work plan 2021 is to review and update or develop resources to help Sheds with establishment and governance.
Can you provide any advice on getting solar panels for our Shed?
The only two Sheds we’re aware of who currently have solar panels installed on their Shed are
You can find their contact details on our Find A Shed web page.
Does our Shed need to enable SAFE WA app QR scanning?
All Sheds need to have a contact register to enable COVID-19 contact tracing.
It is up to each Shed whether that is through the COVID SAFE WA app or with a pen and paper register. Though as so many people have the app on their phone and are used to using it in their daily travels it is worth going through the effort to set it up. It’s a more hygienic option for people to use and lets face it, its going to be a requirement for the foreseeable future.
Are Shed members able to claim their membership fees on tax?
No. Membership is a service fee not a donation so is not tax deductible.
This is the relevant page on the ATO website which states that you ‘can’t claim gifts or donations that provide you with a personal benefit’.
What are the relationships between a local Men’s Shed, Men’s Sheds of WA and AMSA?
Most sheds are individually incorporated organisations, that in Western Australia, are represented as members of Men’s Sheds of WA.
Men’s Sheds of WA represents you on the state and federal level, but you may also chose to be a member of the Australian Men’s Sheds Association (AMSA), which we recommend.
AMSA is a representative body for all men’s sheds and operates on the federal level.
Some time ago there was a federal relationship between Men’s Sheds of WA and AMSA, with Men’s Sheds of WA and the other state peak bodies serving as the board of AMSA. This has not been the case for several years and at this stage there is no formal relationship between the organisations, though we have worked together closely on some events in Western Australia.
The real summary is that it’s recommended to be a member of both organisations so that your members can benefit from the resources and support of both.
You are not automatically a member of AMSA as a member of Men’s Sheds of WA.
Is accident insurance compulsory for the members of a Men’s Shed in WA?
It’s very important to have insurance for your members, especially for accidents. The standard insurance options that most sheds chose are listed on the insurance page of our website
New WA Work health and safety laws and impact on sheds
With the introduction of the new Work Health and Safety legislation in WA, has the situation changed regarding the exemption of Sheds (that do not employ people) from the WHS requirements?
It’s still the case that most men’s sheds are ‘exempt’ from WHS laws but that they have a duty of care. Sheds need to have a solid Induction Policy, Maintenance schedule and Risk Management Procedures document.
Are we required to pay membership fees?
There is concern that Sheds who do not charge a membership fee are not considered a legal entity and could have a problem if we need to make an insurance claim. We are looking into this one and will update the website when we have confirmed information.
Should our Shed have a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy?
The government has not issued advice for workplaces or volunteer groups to require mandatory vaccines.
Each Shed can decide what they think is a safe and fair approach, but we would advise being mindful when restricting membership especially as some members may be exempt from vaccines (and unless people present vaccine certificates, it is very hard to know if people will be honest when asked).
Currently we recommend Sheds actively encourage members to Roll Up for WA and:
If government advice changes we will update this information.