Sheds WA
Highlighting the people and stories from the men’s sheds throughout WA.
Sheds are a community hub for men throughout WA. They are full of people with interesting stories and they are all involved in work that betters their members and their communities. We are telling these stories through our new newsletter Sheds WA! To start we will be issuing four editions a year. Each Sheds WA newsletter will be full of stories from the sheds as well as men’s wellbeing advice from our Chaplain and our friends at the Regional Men’s Health Initiative.
There are over 7,000 shedders in more than 180 sheds in WA.
Subscribe here to stay up to date with the Sheds WA magazine.
Current Edition available here.
Advertising in Sheds WA
We are committed to delivering high quality content in both editorial and advertising in our newsletter. Each edition has capacity for 6 full pages and 6 half page adverts. Bookings are taken on a first come first serve basis.
When booking your space please let us know if you have a specific location you would like your ad to appear. Every effort will be made to ensure requests are honoured. Advertising that is not booked for a specific location will be placed on available pages in each issue.
To ensure quality imagery in the finished printed product advertisers are asked to supply artwork with the following specs:
Artwork that does not meet publishing requirements will be returned for amendment.
Size of trimmed page: 210 x 297mm
Half Page vertical: 91 x 273mm
Bleed: Please add 5mm for full page ads bleeding off page.
Ad Production: Currently not available. All advertisers will need to supply their own content.
Please see Magazine Style Guide here.
All prices are GST exclusive
Inside front full page: $1,450.00
Full page: $950.00
Half page: $500.00
Quarter page: $300.00
Back cover full page: $1,600.00
If you are a WA charity or Not For Profit please contact us for prices.
Invoices will be issued after each edition has been published.
For further information relating to advertising or print production please contact Rebecca by email at or call 08 6381 5324.
We encourage sheds to share stories with us. You can email them to us at or tell your story using the form below.
Complete this form to submit an article from your shed and shedders for Sheds WA publication.