What Makes a Thriving Shed
Men’s Sheds of WA and Curtin University Report.
In 2021 Men’s Sheds of WA approached Curtin University to research ‘What Makes a Thriving Shed?’
The Thriving Shed Project team planned surveys to gather information from as many Shed members as possible, and qualitative interviews to provide a rich and detailed understanding from members’ and leaders’ perspectives.
The findings clearly demonstrate the positive impacts members are having on each other and their communities.
It is our hope that the findings in this report will extend beyond Men’s Sheds, Community Sheds and Women’s Sheds. The broader mutual-aid sector should also recognise the similarities with their organisations and see relevance in the report’s findings.
This report will guide Men’s Shed of WA as the peak body in WA to provide governance and support that will further increase the positive impacts of Sheds into the future.
Read the full report here.
For further information please contact us at admin@mensshedswa.org.au or call (08) 6381 5324.