The Men’s Sheds of WA story begins in September 2009 at the first Western Australian Men’s Shed Conference in Mukinbudin. During the conference, the delegates resolved to form an Association to help Sheds further develop in Western Australia.
Men’s Sheds of WA is the peak body that represents and supports sheds throughout WA. We exist for the mutual benefit, success and support of member sheds and to facilitate public access to those sheds.
The goal of Men’s Sheds of WA is to continue to build the men’s sheds movement in WA, ensuring their sustainability. We aim to do this by connecting existing sheds, helping to start new ones, and raising awareness of their many benefits to social, physical, and emotional health.
We raise awareness of the social and health benefits of Men’s Sheds in reducing isolation, loneliness and in empowering local communities.
We don’t own or manage any of the Men’s Sheds, but we champion them for miles around.
All our corporate documentation can be found in the document library.