Shedding light on carers

  • Are you a Shedder currently caring for someone in your family?
  • Want to share your story to help other men who are caring for someone?

Carer’s Australia would love to hear from you.

A carer is someone who provides unpaid care and support to a family member or friend who is living with a disability, mental health challenge, long term health condition (including chronic or terminal illness), a substance dependency, or who is frail aged.

For many carers, helping to look after somebody close to them who requires extra care or support is just a normal part of life – they may be a partner, son, daughter, parent, sibling, friend or neighbour.

People become carers in many different ways and for a variety of reasons. Each circumstance is unique. Some carers may have sole responsibility for caring, while others share it. Some carers provide 24-hour care to family members with complex needs, while others may assist with daily activities, such as housework and shopping.

Who is Carers WA?

Carers WA is a non-profit, community organisation dedicated to improving the lives of the estimated 230,000 family carers living in Western Australia.

Their role is to work in active partnership with carers, persons with care and support needs, health professionals, service providers, government and the wider community to achieve an improved quality of life for carers.

Share you story Many Australian men provide personal care and support for a family member or friend who have additional care needs, however, don’t always feel comfortable talking about their situation or asking for help.

Carers WA are looking for Shedders to share their story of caring in hope that it will help other men in similar circumstances identify as a carer and learn about the services that are available to support them.

If you would like to share your story please get in touch via email to or call 1300 277 377 and ask for the Community Engagement team.